5 Ways to Keep Insects and Pests Out of Your Garden
Outdoors, ladybugs are natural enemies of aphids - Photo by TCurtiss
Pests are among the most annoying and difficult problems facing gardeners. The best way to deal with them is to prevent them from entering. No matter the growing method, pests will infect your garden if they are given a chance.
Here are some ways to prevent them from getting in:
1. Pets: Pests enter using pets as transportation. Don’t let your pets in the garden. Their fur also accumulates on sticky buds.
2. Clothing: Clothing worn outdoors can carry in pests. Even a single pest can be a vector for a fast growing colony. After going outside, wash and dress in freshly laundered clothes.
3. Plant Quarantine: Before letting a plant enter a pest-free garden, place it in quarantine and use a pesticide/fungicide spray or dip just to be sure.
4. Planting Mix: Make sure the planting mix is composed of inert or pasteurized ingredients. Planting mix that is not inert or pasteurized may contain pests and diseases.
5. Pest Highways & Airways: Make sure all air coming into the garden space is filtered. Repair any cracks, holes or other open spaces.
The larger an insect infestation the harder it is to eradicate. It is easier to deal with a small infection rather than a large one.
I’ll be posting more on pests that commonly affect cannabis and the information that allows you to recognize and eradicate them: the ones that are most likely to attack your plants – aphids, fungus gnats, mealy bugs, spider mites, thrips and whiteflies – Along with in-depth preventative and control methods to both keep the pest away from the plants and get rid of an infestation.
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